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身體周期 (23天,约三周)
- 协调
- 体力
- 健康
情感周期 (28天,约一個月)
- 创造力
- 敏感性
- 心情
- 领悟力
- 洞察力
智力周期 (33天,约一個月)
- 警觉性
- 分析力
- 逻辑性
- 记忆力
- 沟通能力
- 身体节律(23 天)
- 情感节律(28 天)
- 智力节律(33 天)
經典三節律屬於固有的超晝夜節律(Endogenous Infradian Rhythm),其理論基於生理周期和情感周期。通常它們被表示為對稱性的曲線圖,而最常用的形式是正弦波曲線。每個周期按正弦曲線在正位置(0%..100%)和負位置(0%..-100%)之間振蕩。在大多數理論中,該曲線始於基線位置(0%),表示個體出生時的狀態。每當該曲線越過基線位置時,當日即被稱為臨界日,即認為在該日進行的工作狀況會比非臨界日的情況不穩定得多。通常,構造這樣的曲線是為了進行臨界日的計算,以便進行或是避免某些活動。
- 身體: sin(2πt / 23),
- 情感: sin(2πt / 28),
- 智力: sin(2πt / 33),
- 直覺: sin(2πt / 38),
維也納大學的心理學教授Hermann Swoboda在研究發燒病人的周期性病情改變時,猜測心情和健康可能存在節律性的改變。他收集了關於病痛反應、發燒、哮喘、心臟病等發作的數據,認為存在一個23天的身體周期以及一個28天的情感周期。
Wilhelm Fliess,柏林的鼻喉專家,也獨立研究了他的病人的發燒、疾病、死亡的發作情況,同樣得出了存在23天周期及28天周期的結論。他的理論對於後來弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)形成及發展精神分析學理論有重要影響。
因斯布魯克大學的工程學教授Alfred Teltscher,觀察了他的學生的“吉日”和“凶日”,發現其中存在一個33天的周期。Teltscher發現大腦的理解能力、精神活動、警覺性都遵循著這個33天的周期。1920年,美國賓夕法尼亞大學的心理學專家Rexford Hersey博士也聲稱參與了發現經典理論的研究。
- 节律曲线的随意确定性,
- 零线的随意确定性,
- 三个周期23,28和33的随意确定性,
- 建立在轶事,而非实验的基础上,
- 忽视数论,
- 在假设检验方面犯低级错误,
- 对人类行为的不适当量化和一般化,
- 对理论缺乏精确的表述,
- 同行复查,缺乏实验数据,
- 不具可重复性,还有
- 一些不道德的从业者被揭发为职业算命骗子
前面提到,生理节律学不是伪科学,就是前科学。目前生理节律学没有得到实验的证明,它的理论没有精确的科学表述。 生理节律学在某些方面与天气预报相似(气象学)。
生物钟学是生物学的一个分支,它研究生物体内生理过程的节律性。与生理节律不一样,生物钟学有其实验基础(请参看生物钟学《实验》一节),有分子生物学和遗传学的证据证明其存在。特别是“时钟基因”(BMal, Clock, MPer1, Mper2, Mper3, Cry1, Cry2)的发现。生物钟学毫无疑问是一门科学。
在铁路和航空等工作中会遇到生理节律的应用例子。一位飞行员说到自己对生理节律的态度。他知道,在自己的判断力的大凶日,他会犯大错,但他认为,只要知道了这一点,并且倍加留神,灾难可以被避免。一位前联合航空飞行员,Biorhythms for Windows程序的使用者承认,联合航空直到20世纪90年代中还在奉行生理节律理论。而日本通運株式会社仍在使用生理节律。
- Biorhythmus-Applet (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 免费的Java-Applet,算生理周期
- Biorhythmus berechnen (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 计算生理周期
- Biorhythmus berechnen (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Seite mit weiteren Erklärungen und der Möglichkeit den Biorhythmus zu berechnen
- [1] Comprehensive BIBLIOGRAPHY.
- Der Schlüssel zum Biorhythmus. ISBN 3-88034-898-7 : [2].
- Biorhythmusberechnung und Charakteranalyse (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ Valentas Daniunas, "Biorhythms for Windows (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); Biorhythms for Windows Pro". Halloran Software, 2005.
- ^ "A man named Joseph and we knew him not! (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); Interpretation of Biorhythms regarding Flight Operations". (ed. Antedotal evidence; pilot describes the Japanese and American attitudes towards biorhythms.)
- Bartel, Pauline C., "Biorhythm : discovering your natural ups and downs", An Impact book. ISBN 0-53101-355-3
- Bentley, Evie, "Awareness : biorhythms, sleep, and dreaming". ISBN 0-41518-872-5
- Crawley, Jacyntha, The Biorhythm Kit, UK: ISBN 1-85906-032-3, London Biorhythm Company Limited.
- Edlund, Matthew. "Psychological time and mental illness". 1987. ISBN 0-89876-122-0
- Evans, James R., (ed.) and Manfred Clynes (ed.), "Rhythm in psychological, linguistic, and musical processes". ISBN 0-39805-23-5
- Hodgkins, Zerrin "Biomatch Z". 1998. ISBN 0-95319-830-8
- Lapointe, Fernand, "Biorythmie : comment prâevoir vos bons et mauvais jours". ISBN 0-88566-029-3
- Roche, James, "Biorhythms at your fingertips". ISBN 0-71371-562-6
- Thommen, George S., "Is This Your Day". 1973. ISBN 0-51700-742-8
- Hines, T. M., "Comprehensive review of biorhythm theory". Psychology Department, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY. Psychol Rep. 1998 Aug;83(1):19-64. (ed. concluded that biorhythm theory is not valid.)
- D'Andrea, V. J., D.R. Black, and N. G. Stayrook, "Relation of the Fliess-Swoboda Biorhythm Theory to suicide occurrence". J Nerv Ment Dis. 1984 Aug;172(8):490-4. (ed. concluded that there was a validity to biorhythm when the innovative methods of the study are put to use.)
- Laxenaire M., and O. Laurent, "What is the current thinking on the biorhythm theory?". Ann Med Psychol (Paris). 1983 Apr;141(4):425-9. [French](ed. Biorhythm theory is disregarded by the medical world though it has achieved a bit of fame with the public)
- Wolcott, J. H., R. R. McMeekin, R. E. Burgin, and R. E. Yanowitch, "Correlation of general aviation accidents with the biorhythm theory". Hum Factors. 1977 Jun;19(3):283-93.
- Khalil, T. M., and C. N. Kurucz, "The influence of 'biorhythm' on accident occurrence and performance". Ergonomics. 1977 Jul;20(4):389-98.
- "Biorhythm in gynecology--a renaissance of Fliess' theory of periodicity?". Arch Gynecol. 1979 Jul 20;228(1-4):642. [German]
- Nijsten, M.W., and S. E.Willemsen, "Accidents a matter of chance? The significance of lunar phases and biorhythms in trauma patients". Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1991 Dec 21;135(51):2421-4. [Dutch] (ed. 'critical' biorhythm days were not found to increase the number of accidents experienced by subjects.)
- Hastings, Michael, "The brain, circadian rhythms, and clock genes (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". Clinical review. BMJ 1998;317:1704-1707 19 December.
- U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, "Biological Rhythms: Implications for the Worker". U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1991. Washington, DC. OTA-BA-463. NTIS PB92-117589
- Ashikari, M., Higuchi, S., Ishikawa, F., and Tsunetsugu, Y., "Interdisciplinary Symposium on 'Human Beings and Environments': Approaches from Biological Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Developmental Psychology". Sunday, 25th August, 2002
- "Biorhythm experiment management plan", NASA, Ames Research Center. Moffett Field, 1983.
- "Biological Rhythms and Human Adaptation to the Environment". US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (AMRMC), US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.
- Ebert, D., K.P. Ebmeier, T. Rechlin, and W.P. Kaschka, "Biological Rhythms and Behavior", Advances in Biological Psychiatry. ISSN 0378-7354
- Biorhythmic Matchmaking (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Biomatch.com
- Biorhythmic Relationship Compatibility Charts (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Bio-Compatibility.com
- "Biorhythms & Group Dynamics (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". The North Crossing.
- "Biorhythms vs. horoscopes (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". Natural Biorhythms.
- Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Not-for-profit international organization (founded 1988)
- Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (founded 1987) : publishes the Journal of Biological Rhythms (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) ( ISSN 0748-7304 )
- Cognitive & Biological Psychology (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Simon Fraser University.
- 马丁·加德纳. "Science: Good, Bad and Bogus", Fliess, Freud, and Biorhythm. . CH. 11. Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y. 1981. ISBN 0879755733
- Hines, Terence M., Reprinted from: Psychological Reports, August 1998, "A comprehensive review of biorhythm theory". Psychology Department, Pace University
- Skeptic's Dictionary entry (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Accurate Biorhythms (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) {Biomatch.com] Free daily biorhythms based on Physical, Intellectual, Mood and Reflexive cycles
- Advanced biorhythm calculator (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) [Orcapia.com] (personal, relationship, and team calculations)
- Biorhythm calculator (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) [GypsyMagick.com] (Java applet)
- Goobix Online Biorhythm (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) [Goobix.com] (plain HTML, doesn't require Java plugin)