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Marquess of Salisbury 索尔兹伯里侯爵 | |
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聯合王國首相 | |
任期 1895年6月25日—1902年7月11日 | |
前任 | 罗斯贝利伯爵 |
继任 | 亚瑟·贝尔福 |
任期 1886年7月25日—1892年8月11日 | |
前任 | 威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿 |
继任 | 威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿 |
任期 1885年6月23日—1886年1月28日 | |
前任 | 威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿 |
继任 | 威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿 |
个人资料 | |
出生 | 1830年2月3日![]() |
逝世 | 1903年8月22日(1903歲—08—22)(73歲)![]() |
墓地 | St Etheldreda's Church, Hatfield |
政党 | 保守党 |
配偶 | Georgina Alderson |
宗教信仰 | 英國聖公會 |
系列条目 |
保守主义 |
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罗伯特·阿瑟·塔尔博特·加斯科因-塞西尔,第三代梳士巴利侯爵,KG,GCVO,PC(Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury,1830年2月3日—1903年8月22日),英国保守党政治家,曾三次出任首相,任相时间合共13年,是英国在20世纪中的第一位首相和最后一位来自上议院的首相。他在1865年前称为罗伯特·塞西尔勋爵(Lord Robert Cecil),在1865年后,继承侯爵爵位前称为克兰伯恩子爵(Viscount Cranborne)。
1874年,迪斯雷利上台執政,梳士巴利加入政府,再次出任印度大臣。 1878年,他獲任為外務大臣,到柏林參加會議,在會上扮演了重要角色,不過,他對迪斯雷利親奧斯曼的政策有所保留。 1880年,保守黨在大選中失利下台。次年,迪斯雷利逝世。梳士巴利因此取代了迪斯雷利,出任上議院保守黨領袖,而下議院保守黨領袖則由斯塔福德·諾斯古德爵士(Sir Stafford Northcote)出任。 1885年6月,自由黨黨魁威廉·格萊斯頓辭去首相職務,他因此取代格萊斯頓,上台執政至次年1月。下台後,梳士巴利與自由統一黨(分裂自自由黨)結成了聯盟,以反對格萊斯頓支持的愛爾蘭自治(Irish Home Rule)結果在同年7月的大選中勝出,再次上台執政。 1892年,雖然,自由統一黨在大選中取得了最多選票、最多席位,但是,格萊斯頓仍然能藉助愛爾蘭民族主義政黨的力量上台執政,組成弱勢政府。 1895年,自由黨在大選中遭到失敗,梳士巴利再次出任首相,任內對布爾人宣戰,開始了第二次布尔戰爭。執政黨聯盟在1900年大選中取得了勝利,他一直擔任首相到1902年。梳士巴利的繼任人是他的外甥阿瑟·貝爾福。他本人在1903年逝世。
1881年,迪斯雷利逝世。梳士巴利因此取代了迪斯雷利,出任上議院保守黨領袖,而下議院保守黨領袖則由斯塔福德·諾斯古德爵士(Sir Stafford Northcote)出任。
1885年6月,自由黨黨魁威廉·格萊斯頓辭去首相職務,他因此取代格萊斯頓,上台執政至次年1月。下台後,梳士巴利與自由統一黨(分裂自自由黨)結成了聯盟,以反對格萊斯頓支持的愛爾蘭自治(Irish Home Rule)結果在同年7月的大選中勝出,再次上台執政。
在英國和一些前英屬地國家,會用俚語「鮑伯是你舅舅」(英語:Bob's your uncle)來表達「這樣就成了」、「一點也不難」或「說明完畢」之類的意思。關於這個句子的由來,有說這是嘲諷阿瑟·貝爾福在1887年靠裙帶關係被索爾斯伯利選為愛爾蘭布政司 。
- Adonis, A. Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain, 1884–1914 (1993).
- Benians, E.A. et al. eds. The Cambridge History of the British Empire Vol. iii: The Empire - Commonwealth 1870–1919' (1959) p. 915 and passim; coverage of Salisbury's foreign and imperial policies; online
- Bentley, Michael. Lord Salisbury's World: Conservative Environments in Late-Victorian Britain (2001). online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Lord Blake and H. Cecil (eds.), Salisbury: The Man and His Policies (1987).
- Bright, J. Franck. A History of England: Period V. Imperial Reaction Victoria 1880–1901 (vol 5, 1904); detailed political narrative; 295pp; online (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); also another copy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Brumpton, Paul R. Security and Progress: Lord Salisbury at the India Office (Greenwood Press, 2002) online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Cecil, Algernon. British Foreign Secretaries 1807-1916 (1927) pp 277–314. online
- Cecil, C. Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury (4 volumes, 1921–32). online
Chisholm, Hugh (编). Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of. 大英百科全书 24 (11th ed.). 劍橋大學出版社: 72–76. 1911. This is a long biography, written in the context of 1911, with a Conservative point of view.
- Cooke, A.B. and J. Vincent, The Governing Passion: Cabinet Government and Party Politics in Britain, 1885–86 (1974).
- Grenville, J. A. S., Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy: The Close of the Nineteenth Century (1964).
- Jones, A. The Politics of Reform, 1884 (1972).
- Kennedy, A. L. Salisbury 1830–1903: Portrait of a Statesman (1953).
- Gibb, Paul. "Unmasterly Inactivity? Sir Julian Pauncefote, Lord Salisbury, and the Venezuela Boundary Dispute." Diplomacy and Statecraft 16#1 (2005): 23–55.
- Gillard, D.R."Salisbury's African Policy and the Heligoland Offer of 1890," The English Historical Review, Vol. LXXV, 1960.
- Thomas P. Hughes, "Lord Salisbury's Afghan Policy," (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) The Arena, Vol. VI, 1892.
- Jones, Andrew, and Michael Bentley, ‘Salisbury and Baldwin’, in Maurice Cowling. ed., Conservative Essays (Cassell, 1978), pp. 25–40.
- Langer, William L. The Diplomacy of Imperialism: 1890–1902 (2nd ed. 1950), a standard diplomatic history of Europe
- Lowe, C. J.Salisbury and the Mediterranean, 1886–1896 (1965).
- Marsh, P. The Discipline of Popular Government: Lord Salisbury's Domestic Statecraft, 1881–1902 (1978).
- Millman, R. Britain and the Eastern question, 1875–1878 (1979).
- Otte, T. G. "A question of leadership: Lord Salisbury, the unionist cabinet and foreign policy making, 1895–1900." Contemporary British History 14#4 (2000): 1–26.
- Otte, T. G. "'Floating Downstream'? Lord Salisbury and British Foreign Policy, 1878–1902", in Otte (ed.), The Makers of British Foreign Policy: From Pitt to Thatcher (Palgrave, 2002), pp. 98-127.
- Paul, Herbert. A History of Modern England (vol 5, 1906), covers 1885–1895. online
- Penson, Lillian M. "The Principles and Methods of Lord Salisbury's Foreign Policy." Cambridge Historical Journal 5#1 (1935): 87-106. online (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- Roberts, Andrew. Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999), a standard scholarly biography; 940pp
- Ryan, A. P. "The Marquis of Salisbury' History Today (April 1951) 1#4 pp 30-36
- Searle, G. R. A New England?: Peace and War 1886–1918. Oxford U.P. 2004 [2020-09-20]. ISBN 9780198207146. (原始内容存档于2020-09-08).
- Shannon, Richard The Age of Disraeli, 1868–1881: The Rise of Tory Democracy (1992).
- Shannon, Richard The Age of Salisbury, 1881–1902: Unionism and Empire (1996). 569pp.
- Smith, Paul. 'Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-, third marquess of Salisbury (1830–1903)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edn, October 2009, accessed 8 May 2010.
- Steele, David. Lord Salisbury: A Political biography (1999). online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Steele, David. "Three British Prime Ministers and the Survival of the Ottoman Empire, 1855–1902." Middle Eastern Studies 50.1 (2014): 43–60.
- Wang, Shih-tsung. Lord Salisbury and Nationality in the East: Viewing Imperialism in Its Proper Perspective (Routledge, 2019).
- Warren, Allen. "Lord Salisbury and Ireland, 1859–87: Principles, Ambitions and Strategies." Parliamentary history 26.2 (2007): 203–224.
- Weston, C. C. The House of Lords and Ideological Politics: Lord Salisbury's Referendal Theory and the Conservative Party, 1846–1922 (1995).
- Ellenberger, Nancy W. "Salisbury" in David Loades, ed. Reader's Guide to British History (2003) 2:1153–55
- Goodlad, Graham, "Salisbury as Premier: Graham Goodlad Asks Whether Lord Salisbury Deserves His Reputation as One of the Great Victorian Prime Ministers," History Review #49. 2004. pp 3+. online (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Lowry, Donal. The South African War Reappraised (Manchester UP, 2000).
- Roberts, Andrew. "Salisbury," History Today, (Oct 1999), Vol. 49 Issue 10, p45-51
- Paul Smith (ed.), Lord Salisbury on Politics. A Selection from His Articles in the Quarterly Review, 1860–83 (Cambridge University Press, 1972).
- John Vincent (ed.), A Selection from the Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826–93) between September 1869 and March 1878 (London: The Royal Historical Society, 1994).
- R. H. Williams (ed.), Salisbury–Balfour Correspondence: Letters Exchanged between the Third Marquess of Salisbury and his nephew Arthur James Balfour, 1869–1892 (1988).
- Harold Temperley, and Lillian M. Penson, eds; Foundations of British Foreign Policy from Pitt (1792) to Salisbury (1902); Or, Documents, Old and New (1938) online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Robert Cecil Salisbury. Essays by the Late Marquess of Salisbury (1905) online
- Temperley, Harold and L.M. Penson, eds. Foundations of British Foreign Policy: From Pitt (1792) to Salisbury (1902) (1938), primary sources pp 365 ff online